BY Virginia

I indicated several is- sues ago that when we had used up the pre-typed mat- erial on hand we would change to a new size and style. This has been made necessary both by economies in pr- inting and by increased postal rates. Although the pages carry slightly less printing than previously the number of pages has been increased. I hope you like it. Having used the cover design and internal head- ings done by Rudy in West Germany previously we changed with this issue to art donated by Beatrice 33- B-2 FPE of North Carolina and our thanks to both for their contributions.


NEW BOOK OF SHORT STORIES: Another seperate book of 5 short stories will be available shortly. It is already printed and awaiting only the artists illus- trations to be completed and available. The title story is "The Scarcity of Nurses", Price...$5.00.

III. CLIPSHEET VS. SHORT STORIES: Quite a number of you have written deploring the proposed passing of the Clipsheet. At the same time I have not been de- luged with short stories. I have hit upon a comprom- ise therefore. We will continue the Clipsheet but on a quarterly basis. We will increase it to 16 pages from 12 and increase its price to $1.50 the same as the stories. Depending on availability of stories and clippings we will print one or the other, and will try to do 4 a year of each or $6 worth singly, for $5 on annual subscription basis. The stories will appear un- der the general heading of "TV-TALES OF FEMME FIC- TION", and will be numbered serially. Group sub- scription therefore for 6 TVia, 12 Mirror, 4 Clips and 4 TV-Tales will be $40 against $8.00 singly. First 16 page story out July 1.


RENEWALS: With two people working we used to be able to notify you of time to renew. This is just one of the services I've had to curtail, so please keep
